

​ To certain people Art is art Just art People showing off their talents People making money off their talents  But to some of us Art is life All we have when words fail Our get-away car Our “get out of jail” card  When our emotions lock us in To us It is our voice Paintings, songs, poetry, dance Art is ART Where people find comfort  Where people find happiness  Where people escape from the pain Not just paint on canvas Or writings on paper  Art is our story  Words never to be spoken Hidden secrets behind every line  I wish more people can see the beauty in art  How powerful art is But I guess that’s what’s so beautiful about art  Only few people understand its power  & only few will  understand my story Thank God for the gift of ART!  Love, Ibiene

Being Still

This year, I learnt to be still and know that God is God.   I used to think being still had to do with sitting down in a quiet place during your quiet time with God & forcing yourself not to think about anything, basically clearing your head and then waiting for God to speak. This year, I learnt that being still wasn't about that, had nothing to do with that even. Psalm 46:10 says “Be still and know (recognize, understand) that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations! I will be exalted in the earth.” Being still involves being still in good times and in bad times too. It's like having so much on your mind, so much you're going through but not being worried about any of that because you know that God is God and God is good, always good.  It's not about being still for a few minutes or an hour, but about being still every day, every hour, every minute, while at work, school everywhere. It's not being worried about the day's activities or tomorrow or that...

Trusting God

  A wise man once said “ Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways, acknowledge him and he shall direct your path” I’ve been learning to trust God recently and it’s been a whole lot. See, it’s one thing to say you trust God and another to trust him. My phone got spoilt recently and I'm in school so I need my phone for everything basically & the whole thing just destabilized me a bit. I made the mistake of not going to Abba first & I started panicking cause literally, everything was on my phone (big mistake) + I just started saving up for a new phone. I was mad confused on what to do, how to go about it, even had a mini-breakdown and stuff. This happened on Friday, today is Monday & I just paid for a new phone. Thinking about it now, if I’d just gone to God first, I’d have been more productive this past weekend. We act as if God is surprised by certain things that surprise us, forgetting that he knows already. I’m le...

Let's Imagine (PART 1): The Hemorrhaging Woman

Imagine for a minute you're up in a tree watching the crowd in Matthew 9:20-22 (Mark 5:25-34, Luke 8:43-48). Jesus is in town & everybody's out to see Him, it's a whole lot really. You scan the crowd to see if you know anyone there & all of a sudden, you spot this woman.  Now, according to society, she's unclean (Leviticus 15:25-33). From the many stories you've heard about her, no physician has been able to help her, & even if there was one left to help, she probably couldn't afford it because she already spent a lot on the others. To you, she's not even supposed to be outside, I mean, what would people say? But here she is, in the crowd & she's trying to reach Jesus but she can't, too many people in her way, & then she does something unexpected, she reaches out and touches the hem of his garment instead.  I'm sure in your head, you're probably like THE AUDACITY?? (with your judgemental self 😂) because you know, Jesus is...

Crippled by fear?

  Hi everyone First of all, do you ever get like anxiety when you're about to post something online, maybe on your Instagram or youtube channel or whatever? Because I do & from my first post till now, I've been contemplating whether or not to continue with this because I said I was going to try and be open, which is hard but I'm here now. Apart from that, I've been busy with exams, and let me tell you something, I know I'm just starting and it gets tougher as you go up but medicine is not for the weak, honestly. So only go into it if you are passionate about it, LIKE REALLY REALLY Anyways today, I'm going to be talking about fear. No one tells you how crippling & limiting fear is, fear of losing a loved one, fear of not being good enough etc or even how it puts you in a spot & then you begin to think of a million scenarios that most likely would never happen.  For a while, I struggled with fear. I had an idea of what I was struggling with but I did n...

Hello !

  I would not classify myself as a writer or someone who even loves to write.  I've always thought that stuff like blogging is for people who write stories, poems, inspiring articles and what not but no actually (So if you want to start a blog and you're looking for motivation, here you go, DO IT) I created this blog because I have a lot to talk about. Like I have so much stuff saved in my notes that I need to share with people. Stuff about my spiritual growth & everything God is teaching me, books I've read ( I love reading) and even my journey through medical school. Honestly, it's going to be a whole lot and I'm going to try and be as open as possible and I earnestly pray that this blog helps someone.  On that note, you are most definitely welcome to tio's thoughts. Love, Ibiene