Let's Imagine (PART 1): The Hemorrhaging Woman
Imagine for a minute you're up in a tree watching the crowd in Matthew 9:20-22 (Mark 5:25-34, Luke 8:43-48). Jesus is in town & everybody's out to see Him, it's a whole lot really. You scan the crowd to see if you know anyone there & all of a sudden, you spot this woman.
Now, according to society, she's unclean (Leviticus 15:25-33). From the many stories you've heard about her, no physician has been able to help her, & even if there was one left to help, she probably couldn't afford it because she already spent a lot on the others.
To you, she's not even supposed to be outside, I mean, what would people say? But here she is, in the crowd & she's trying to reach Jesus but she can't, too many people in her way, & then she does something unexpected, she reaches out and touches the hem of his garment instead.
I'm sure in your head, you're probably like THE AUDACITY?? (with your judgemental self 😂) because you know, Jesus is Jesus and well she's unclean, BUT Jesus stops and turn. You can hear him asking his disciples who touched him.
& from up there, you're like what is going on? Like Jesus, you're in a crowd, with so many people, of course, somebody must have touched you.
But Jesus did not let it go.
Something so insignificant to other people was very significant to him. He kept asking until she finally spoke up & he told her that her faith made her whole.
What sort of faith did she have for her to disregard society?
What sort of faith did she have to settle for just touching his garment?
#thinkaboutit 💛
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